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What to Do First After a Boating Accident


Boating accidents are very serious. Afterwards, it is natural to feel confused, frustrated, and even angry. You may also not know what to do next. If someone else’s negligence caused a crash you can be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and other losses you suffered. To claim this compensation, it is essential to know what steps to take after a boat crash. Below, our Florida boat crash attorney outlines the most important thing for passengers and boat operators to do after an accident.

Make Sure Everyone is Safe 

The most important thing to do after a boating accident is to make sure everyone is safe. If the boat is still afloat, make sure that everyone is still onboard. If not, locate them in the water and help them get back onboard as quickly as possible. If you or anyone else onboard suffered injuries, try to get back to shore immediately. If your boat has capsized, try to stay with the boat and hang onto it. It is much easier to spot a boat in the water than it is a person floating in the water. If possible, signal for help using an emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPRIB) or other distress signal.

First Step for Boat Operators Involved in a Crash 

Boat operators have a legal responsibility to stop the vessel immediately at the scene of any crash. Boating operators must also stop and help any injured passengers unless doing so would place themselves or their watercraft in danger. Boat operators should also retain control of their vessel as best they can. As soon as it is safe, boat operators must also use the radio on the vessel or their cell phone to call for help and to report the crash. Operators should never leave the scene of a crash until the authorities have told them they are free to go.

Boat operators also have a duty to provide everyone involved in the crash with their name, address, and the registration number of the vessel. This information must be in writing.

Seek Medical Attention 

It is critical that anyone who is involved in a boating accident seeks medical attention as soon as possible. Boat crashes cause very serious injuries and it is essential that they do not become worse. Additionally, if you are hurt in a boat crash and do not see a doctor, the insurance company representing the liable party will use it against you. They will argue that you were not injured because you did not see a doctor for treatment.

Call Our Boat Crash Attorney in Florida 

Boating accidents are extremely complicated. Most boat accidents in Florida are not governed by Florida law. That is why it is important to seek a specialist and not a car accident attorney. If you have been hurt and you believe someone is to blame for your injuries, you need legal advice. At 888-BOAT-LAW (The Law Offices of Frank D. Butler, P.A.), our Florida boat crash attorneys understand the laws that apply to your case and how to protect your rights. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more.

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