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Boat Propeller Injuries


Are Boat Propeller Injury Cases Increasing?

It appears the answer is yes. It may be seasonal but we are seeing several. On July 27, 2020, Channel 2 NBC in Ft. Myers ran a story about a rise in propeller injuries. It cited Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission that 3 boat propeller strike cases had occurred just this week.

Experience Matters

For us, we have handled 3 boat propeller strike cases within just the last 6 months. When you are looking for a law firm and attorneys with experience handling boat propeller injuries we put our firm up against other law firms. As with other types of boating injury cases, this one also comes with unique laws that govern these boat propeller injury cases.

We Know Boat Injury Laws

Yes, you can give the auto accident attorney a chance to see what they know about boating injury laws but there is no need to take a chance with your boating injury case. We have more than 25 years of experience handling this specific type of case. In other words, it’s not going to be our first boat propeller injury case, nor a new area of law for us.

Call us at 888-Boat-Law (888-262-8529) anywhere in Florida.

We are ready to help you right now.

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