Florida Fishing License

How Many Fishing Licenses Are Issued in Florida?
There are almost 2 million fishing licenses issued to residents and visitors as of the end of the year 2020. This is according to the Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission (“FWC”). Persons under the age of 16 or over the age of 65 do not need a fishing license. There are also some exceptions were no fishing license is required: fishing on a private pond of less than 20 acres, fishing in your home county with a cane pole, and non-resident service members, etc.
The number of fishing licenses issued is an indication of how many vessels are on the water in Florida. If the present increasing trend in numbers holds up, we should see 1 million vessels registered in the State of Florida in 2021. If you boat on the weekends then you know how busy it can be.
At 888-BOAT-LAW, as boating injury attorneys, we are seeing more recreational boating crashes. We are seeing more boat propeller injuries. We are presently handling several of these propeller injury cases right now. And we are seeing more injuries occurring on-board due to captain errors. Boat passenger injuries are a very frequent occurrence.
Be cautious on the vessel certainly, but also be cautious who you choose to represent you on your boating injury case. We are boating accident attorneys. We have been boating accident attorneys for 25 years.
Put the Boating Accident Specialists to Work for You.
Call now: 1-888-B-O-A-T-L-A-W.COM TAMPA BAY + FLORIDA.